Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Human Rights Elimination of Racism

Question: Despite various international conventions on Racism, racism is on the rise in many parts of the globe. Write your essay using recent examples from across the globe. Answer: Introduction: Racism is a superiority complex about ones own culture and ethnicity. As opined by Katz (2013), this vague sense of superiority often drives to the fanatic attacks to the people with different creed and ethnic background. The fight and spreading awareness against the racist attitude and behaviors are being continuous since a long time. However, even after 47 years of civil rights movement and celebrating its glorious victory against racial discrimination, the modern world is suffering the same malady even today (Fredrickson, 2015). A number of recent cases of racism in the international context is continuously proving that despite various international conventions on Racism, the modern society is reluctant to throw it away and be civilized it is everyday life. Discussion: The international conventions are typically creating policies and guidelines for the national legal frameworks. Moreover, the national authorities are also integrating those guidelines while creating civic laws. However, as mentioned by Katz (2013), having its root to the history, even the modern people are reluctant to be civilized and reject exercising the human rights of equal respect irrespective of cast, creed and ethnicity. If a close look on some of the recent cases can be provided, it can be noticed that the racism evidently exists all over the world even today. In 2013, the world have experienced the malicious case of racist attack to the Italian minister Cesile Kyenge (Meret, Della Corte Sangiuliano, 2013). She was the first black elected minister to serve Italian cabinet. However, on 23rd September she faced racists comments from fellow politicians. As mentioned by Meret, Della Corte and Sangiuliano (2013), few racists hung noose all over the place she was likely to arriv e for a speech. This case proves the audacity of the racist peoples that they have no fear to show disrespect even to the national authorities. This particular event is a reflection of the scenario that the general people are facing every day. As mentioned by Katz (2013), in every racist case, the severe humiliation of the core principles of human rights takes place. Here, in this case, the dignity and respect of Kyenge was turned down because of her ethnic background. On the other hand, as mentioned by Perry (2014), in 2014, a case of assaulting a Muslim woman in Melbourne has been reported. As mentioned by Fredrickson (2015), the conversations on racism and human rights promotes the celebration of the freedom from discrimination, freedom of movement and the right to life, security and maintaining religious believe. However, in this mentioned case, the women was bitten, assaulted, and thrown out of the train; in Batman Station in Coburg North. The arrest of the perpetrator divulges the truth that she was involved in many racist cases before. This particular case reveals that the international conventions are bringing changes in the laws but not in the societal attitude. As mentioned by Perry (2014), an intrinsic inferiority complex directs people to be violent on the minority group and obtain some sadistic pleasure. Even after the 68 years of the establishment of the Human Rights Commission, people are still suffering from such barbaric pleasures. Moreover, as mentioned by Perry (2014), the political cause ate often being instrumental in the occurrence of the recent case of racism in various countries. The worldwide abhorrence for terrorism is typically connecting the Muslims to the terrorist groups. Moreover, as discussed by Perry (2014), a sense of racist attitude is continuously camouflaging itself as detest for the terrorists. Thus, the political differentiation is also causing the modern cases of racism. On the other hand, Jeon et al. (2016), mentioned that in 2015, ten ex-workers of McDonald's filed a lawsuit due to their unlawful termination because of their skin color. However, the organizational authority has cited the cause of lack of fitness to the job profile; the employees have lodged complaints against the management for continuous execution of racist comments in the workplace subsequent discrimination. The international conventions on the racism and human rights typically echo the right of freedom from discrimination and right to work. The essence of human right codes is there in the national laws for protecting the citizens from racial discrimination in the workplaces. However, as mentioned by Katz (2013), the long history of racism has rooted a culture of it even into the modern society. The discussion will remain incomplete without the mention of the racist incidents occurred in Australia against Indians. In 2013, both the Australian and the Indian media got flooded with the chain of events against the Indian residents (Mason 2012). As mentioned by Mason (2012), in many cases, it has been noticed that a sense of economic insecurity is being the cause of racist attitude among people. In the first world countries, a stream of abhorrence is flowing for the Indians and the Chinese. As opined by Fredrickson (2015), their migration to the first world countries and the cheap labor offerings are snatching the jobs of the local people. It is creating an unexpressed sense of abhorrence to the immigrants. Now, the majority expresses its frustration through the regressive and violent behavior. As mentioned by Katz (2013), this racist attitude due to the frustration is indulging the disruption of the human rights of personal safety and security. Thus, from the history until today, racism is celebrating the socio-economic discrimination by disguising itself as a fanaticism against a certain race. Conclusion: Hence, from the above discussion, it can be concluded that the international conversations on human rights and racism are being failed to inspire people to the virtue of racial equality. The recent cases in the worldwide context are providing examples that a sense of economic insecurity, intrinsic fanaticism for ones own race and political abhorrence are taking the shape of racism in various sector. However, in every case, the minorities are being oppressed, which provides the idea that racism is another form of oppression of the majority on the minorities. However, various international conventions on racism are being failed to create changes in the regressive attitude of the modern society. References: Fredrickson, G. M. (2015). Racism: A short history. Princeton University Press. Jeon, H. J. J., Meiseberg, B., Dant, R. P., Grnhagen, M. (2016). Cultural Convergence in Emerging Markets: The Case of McDonald's in China and India. Journal of Small Business Management, 54(2), 732-749. Katz, P. A. (Ed.). (2013). Towards the Elimination of Racism: Pergamon General Psychology Series (No. 54). Elsevier. Mason, G. (2012). I am tomorrow: Violence against Indian students in Australia and political denial. Australian New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 45(1), 4-25. Meret, S., Della Corte, E., Sangiuliano, M. (2013). The racist attacks against Ccile Kyenge and the enduring myth of the niceItalian. Open Democracy. Perry, B. (2014). Gendered Islamophobia: hate crime against Muslim women. Social Identities, 20(1), 74-89.

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